Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

Learn How To Choose The Right Antique Furniture

The condition of an antique will certainly affect its value. Always look for flaws; at least one or two. When an antique does not have any flaws it means it has been refurbished. Look for antiques that have aged naturally. If the furniture has been cared for then it should be worth more. Also keep in mind that original pieces contribute to raising its value. After you acquired your antique handle it with care. Keep in a clean environment and maintain it regularly. One you need to avoid is over cleaning your item because it will remove the natural chemical formations on its surface. These formations are what give it its distinctiveness. Owning antique furniture is like an investment. The value of the antique, however, depends on a number of factors that are associated with the piece of furniture itself. The era, the age, the quality, are just a few indicators of price.

Antique furniture can add style to your home. Incorporating distinctive antique furniture pieces in your house can add calls in your surroundings. There are of course, a few things you should keep in mind before you buy that wonderful piece of furniture. For a piece of furniture to be considered an antique it should be older than 100 years old. Some say 60 but most collectors would agree on 100. Anything less is considered a collectible item. Its value clearly depends on the particularities of the piece. Georgian period furniture, Regency furniture or Victorian and Edwardian pieces offer a distinctive style that can easily be incorporated in most modern design homes. For the experienced interior designer, when antique furniture is placed in scarcity throughout a home, they enhance the décor by reflecting the actual value of the antiques. Rare antiques have a higher value. The rarity of the antique is determined by how many similar pieces of the same antique furniture are available for purchase.

Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

Antique Kitchen Cabinets - Give Your Kitchen an Old Time Charm With Antique Cabinets

Antique kitchen cabinets have never really gone out of style, despite all the modern technology and gadgets you find in modern kitchens. While the new look kitchen is certainly very practical and convenient, seeing all kinds of gadgets such as digital clocks and microwaves doesn't have the most calming effect after a long day at work.

An old style kitchen, on the other hand, still can be as practically as you want it to be, but has a much more laid back and old time charm to it. So how can you find the best antique kitchen cabinets around?

First of all, a common misconception is that you need new ones to get this antique look. However, you can accomplish the look you want with your current ones, without much difficulty.

There are really two ways to achieve this look with your current design, and the first is staining. To stain your kitchen, all you do for this is to get a dark colored stain, put it on a small part of your cabinet, and then slowly wipe it off until you that antique feel you want.

This gives it that worn out, rustic feel you are looking for, because it makes it appear like the wood is aging gracefully. Distressing is your other main option in getting antique cabinets, and for this, all you really need is a quality piece of sandpaper.

Once you have this, now sand of part off the finish, and this generally works best if the cabinets are darker in color.

This certainly is not an exhaustive guide on how to do staining or distressing, as there is a lot of info online about those. However, just keep in mind that these are options if you don't want to get go all out and get new antique kitchen cabinets.

Of course, you first want to make sure the model will go with the rest of your kitchen, and you don't want to just jump into it without first thinking about this.

If you buy them and then discover they don't match, you either will have to undo it, get new cabinets altogether, or go into a full fledged redesign job, to match up the rest of your kitchen with the cabinets.

Needless to say, this won't be cheap. The other option, of course, is to just put up with it, but this could easily be alleviated by making sure the cabinets match your kitchen before buying and installing them.
If you do want antique kitchen cabinets, keep in mind they are sometimes difficult to track down, but one place you can locate them is auctions.

Also, the internet is another very popular place to find these devices, as there are plenty of sites that retail these.

If you do focus on auctions, while you might find the best deals, very often they will need to be touched up, depending on how old or what condition they are in. You can also check the newspaper, as sometimes they have these for sale, but again, if you can't find anything in these two locations, then go online.

Some people are leery of doing this, since they can't actually touch them. While I would usually would not recommend buying cabinets without being able to see them yourself, if you absolutely can't find any in your area, this might be your only option. Antique kitchen cabinets are a great way to rejuvenate your kitchen, so use these tips to best models.